Fashion Giveaway Sponsors For Our 2014 Charity Festival!

A BIG thanks to our 2014 Giveaway Sponsors!


Kiki Van Ness has been an ongoing giveaway sponsor and we are thrilled to have small business owners support our charity events.



Betty Elektro Interview with owner of Kiki Van Ness

rockin bones logo

Rockin’ Bones Clothing from Austin, Texas has been a supporter since 2013 and our limited goodie bags will have discount codes for their site and some bags will have some of their  items.



Betty Elektro’s Interview with owners of Rockin’ Bones Clothing


Darling Of Mine is a new giveaway sponsor and has graciously donate a  couple of handmade pairs of earring for our limited giveaway bags. Jessica Wilkerson is the owner of this small business and sells new, vintage clothing, accessories, jewelry and artwork.



RSVP to our Charity Festival

Mondo Guerra (Project Runway) Accesories/Clothing Giveaway for Elektro-PR’s 1 year Bash!


Mondo Guerra Fashion Designer

The awesome people from were gracious in sending some awesome items from Mondo Guerra’s online store for Elektro-PR’s 1 year Bash & 2nd Annual Birthday Card Drive For Homeless Youth.  One of their staff Remi was excited about us doing our drive for these youth. Anyone that brings a Birthday Card or makes one at the event on 9/19 at Silverlake Lounge will get  a raffle ticket to be entered in the drawing for a prize package and one of these might include a Special Edition shirt designed and autographed by the awesome designer himself.

I have been a fan of Mondo for a few years and he is a very special, talented and super nice person. I am honored that they were able to help us out with some items for our celebration.

Check him out here:




Interview with Christine Hovhannessian of Kiki Van Ness

942117_10200334812906037_1196019438_nThe awesome Christine Hovhannessian

So I met Christine for the first time at a private show at Blake Miller’s (Moving Units) home a few years ago and we were friends after that fun night. She is an amazing gal and she has been a big supporter of our special events recently as Kiki Van Ness became one of our giveaway sponsors! So go on an read the fun, interesting and inspiring interview we had.

What inspired you to get started with Kiki Van Ness?

 Kiki Van Ness was born from the idea that you don’t have to break the bank to look like a million bucks. I saw companies like NastyGal and Romwe selling similar merchandise for way more than regular girls like me could afford. I scouted some suppliers and found the same items to sell in my shop for much less. I hope to grow Kiki Van Ness even bigger so I can work with different charities to make a positive impact in my community.

How has music been an influence in your business?

My taste in music truly defines my style, and the style I wish to encompass Kiki Van Ness. I love Rock, Punk and Alternative, and that is something you can definitely see when you visit

How do you decide what pieces you sell on your site?

 I like to think I have a marketable taste when it comes to style, so everything you see on the site, is something I have in my own wardrobe. I love edgy, punk and outrageous pieces that really make a statement. Kiki Van Ness never settles for ordinary!

Do you have any future plans for Kiki Van Ness?

 I do! Like I mentioned earlier, I hope to grow Kiki Van Ness to a point where I can support different charitable organizations in my community, and possibly start my own. To me, success is being able to help others any way you can. I also hope to launch my own clothing line, and retail store.

Let us know a few of your fave bands/musicians?

Depeche Mode is my all-time favorite band! I am a total 80’s junkie when it comes to music, you name it, I love it. I also enjoy KISS and Muse.

What advice would you give to women that are thinking of starting up their own business?

Just do it! Throw any negative misconception about running your own business out the window. You don’t need an MBA to become a successful entrepreneur, all you need is the knowledge on how to run a successful business, and great friends to support you. There are thousands of amazing books out there that can teach you everything you ever needed to know. It’s time to change the ratio and see more female CEOs dominating the business world. Just get up and do it, this is your sign!

I know that you are a huge Star Trek  fan, so we are curious  to know if you would ever sell some clothing or accessories that are Star Trek themed?

Of course, of course, of course! I am a Space Geek, so anything to do with sci-fi is where I excel. I want to one-day branch Kiki Van Ness off to create a Geek Goddess swimwear line that has Star Trek (Uhura in “Mirror, Mirror” style) Bikini.

What do you like to do for fun when you are not working on your business?

Honestly, I don’t really have a social life, LOL! Does Candy Crush Saga count? When I’m not working on Kiki Van Ness or my other business ventures, I love watching movies, and doing arts & crafts.

What does fashion mean to you?

 To me, fashion is about expressing your personality through style. It’s about letting strangers know a little about you before actually introducing yourself. It’s a great way to connect with people who are a lot like you. I have made a lot of friends just by having people come up to me and telling me they love the way I dress, or my crazy big hair, haha.

How would you define your personal style?

 I have been told that my style is a mix between Elvira and Priscilla Presley.  I like to think of myself as an edgy, rock & roll chick with just a hint of Goth.

What have you learned so far since pursuing your passion?

You are your own worst critic. Never let negative thoughts or emotions keep you from doing something you love. In the end, it’s all about doing what makes you happy, even if it is a large feat to accomplish. YOU CAN DO IT, and YOU WILL!

Here are some of Christine’s fave items from her shop


Interview With Rockin’ Bones Clothing Designers


Robert and Kendra Jimison-Rockin’ Bones Clothing Designers

As some of you know we have been starting to do some giveaways at our special events with our bands. This was all possible when these awesome people contacted me via Twitter and asked me if they could sponsor us with some clothing. Their fashion line is sexy, unique and come in a wide range of sizes so anyone can rock their items. We thought it would be fun to ask them a few questions about their business and get to know them better.  They are based in Austin, Texas and have been operating since 2002.



Instagram: rockinbonesclothing

*what inspired you to start Rockin’Bones Clothing?
Kendra:  We both love 80s nostalgia, horror movies, b-movies, and rock/punk/metal music so those themes have always inspired our clothing. We wanted to wear a variety of the fashions in our heads ourselves and thought it would be fun to also make them for others looking for the same style.
*Has music played a big factor in your clothing and accessories?
Robert: Yes, music has played a big factor. The fashion of musicians has influenced specific cuts and the graphics from various cover art and flyers has influenced our graphics as well. A lot of networking via bands associated through Rockin’ Bones Video (dating back to 2001) went hand and hand with Rockin’ Bones Clothing.
*Are there any famous clients that have worn/modeled your clothing?
Kendra: Courtney Love, WWE’s AJ Lee, Wayne Static (Static X) and Tera Wray Static, Josie Stevens from E‘s Married To Rock, Ashlynn Yennie of The Human Centipede, scream queen Linnea Quigley, and Masuimi Max are a few that come to mind.  
*what do u enjoy most about designing clothes? 
Kendra: I like to design stuff that I wear so I get to “shop” on our site for myself haha.
*Does your work reflect your personal fashion taste? Can you describe your style?
Kendra: Yep! I wear Rockin’ Bones 80% of the time. I specifically picked our soft/stretchy fabrics to be versatile enough to wear working out, going out, or just hanging out. I don’t peg myself into a particular style category and I like our clothes to be accessible to all types of people. I do like to wear a lot of tight black outfits, play with smoky makeup, and I love loud heels and prints. If Linnea Quiqley would wear it, I probably would too.
Robert: The graphics I put on the mens shirts are graphics I specifically want to wear. I love horror movies and my style reflects it.
*Do you come up with concepts for designs first or is it more of a unplanned thing?
Robert: It’s a little bit of both. Based upon the sales trends on our web site, we have to put out new designs at least every two weeks. Sometimes we can work in a new cut with a new graphic that we’ve wanted to try. Other times, we just recycle a graphic we’ve done before on a pattern that we’ve done before but not combined yet.
Kendra: Also, some times a new design will pop up randomly one day because I want something new to wear to the next show I’m going to, so we might as well take a photo and put it up on the site.
*What do both of you do in your free time?
Kendra: Collectively, we like to play pinball, go to concerts, cook, listen to records, and see cult movies at theaters.
*Can you let us know some of your fave bands?
Robert: Too many! Some of them include The Cramps, Black Flag, Plasmatics, Samhain, Venom, TSOL, Alice Cooper,  Kiss, Scorpions and much more.
Kendra: David Bowie, UV Pop, Fear, Gary Numan, Twisted Sister, Danzig…too many to name here as well.
*Any future plans for your company?
We’d like to do more events and try to have our fashion show be more like a big rock show. We want them to be less like fashion week and more like a Kiss concert.
*Is there a musician that you would love to see wear some of your designs?
Kendra: Anyone we listen to would be awesome.
*What is your advice for anyone with the dream of running their own business?
Robert: Don’t let people try to hijack your train. Learn as many skills as possible for your business because if you try to hire someone and they mess up, you can always trust yourself to pick up the slack. 
Kendra: Don’t let others discourage you and ignore any negativity thrown your way. You have to believe in yourself and have very thick skin in this business.
*Last question, how did you two meet? We would love to know =)
We met as co-workers at a burger restaurant when we were in high school together. 
 Below are some photos of their most popular designs:
inverted cross tunic. model - Betico
Inverted Cross Tunic. Model: Betico
pentagram oversize tee. model - mewes
Pentagram Oversize Tee. Model: Mewes 
Ribcage tunic. Model - Kendra
Rib-cage Tunic. Model: Kendra
cat shorts
Cat Shorts