In Love With Music

You know that feeling when a song unexpectedly tugs at your heartstrings, when a song just connects with you instantly and you want to keep replaying that song because it makes you feel so alive.It brings back feelings that you didn’t know you had inside, it brings back memories that you cherish and wish you could relive again. That’s how powerful music is to me, I can NEVER imagine my life without it. It’s a soundtrack to beautiful moments in our life, our dreams, the love we’ve felt, the hardships we’ve been through, the happiness we carry and the sadness we hide. Music is always there and never lets me down-Betty

The Birth of ElektroPR and How Music Saved My Life

I get asked a lot about how I got inspired to randomly jump into curating live music shows and I’d thought I would share what led to start my journey. I believe everything happens for a reason and you meet certain people for a reason. Back in the summer of 2010 I had stumbled upon a band called Radio Freq online and noticed they were having a show at the Silverlake lounge in June 2010. So I headed out there and fell in love with the live show. There I met Cliff Magreta since he was part of the band. I immediately had to buy their rad vinyl record they had for sale. Soon after I stayed connected with Cliff online. In November of the same year I happened to be able to go to a private party at Blake Miller home and ran into Cliff again. I decided to reach out to Cliff again and saw that he had started a project called Minutes til Midnight. I fell in love with the music and offered to help promote it online and promote future shows. I was a bit rusty since I had no idea what I was doing, but later got the hang of it and with some of Cliffs guidance and ideas I felt comfortable and fell in love with helping a local band. Cliff helped inspire my now nickname “Betty Elektro” and from there there was ideas of promoting the band with some sort of promotion name behind it. As I did things on my own something hit me in the summer of 2012 and I told myself I had to work on shows and what I didn’t know what to do, I would learn and keep going. So I did and I gave birth to Elektro-PR. It was all meant to be, it was my fate. I will never forget where everything started and that was all thanks to a cool local band and a guy that gave me a chance to learn something about myself and bring something out of me that was there all along and it changed my life. Honestly it saved my life after leaving a very unhealthy relationship with a verbally abusive man, I felt like I had nothing left. Music came into my life in an amazing way and it revived me and it reminded me that I had more to give and all the emotional scars I had, could be healed. It led me to amazing friends through starting this up and reconnecting with amazing people. Music does save lives and it saved mine.

radio freq