In Love With Music

You know that feeling when a song unexpectedly tugs at your heartstrings, when a song just connects with you instantly and you want to keep replaying that song because it makes you feel so alive.It brings back feelings that you didn’t know you had inside, it brings back memories that you cherish and wish you could relive again. That’s how powerful music is to me, I can NEVER imagine my life without it. It’s a soundtrack to beautiful moments in our life, our dreams, the love we’ve felt, the hardships we’ve been through, the happiness we carry and the sadness we hide. Music is always there and never lets me down-Betty

The Birth of ElektroPR and How Music Saved My Life

I get asked a lot about how I got inspired to randomly jump into curating live music shows and I’d thought I would share what led to start my journey. I believe everything happens for a reason and you meet certain people for a reason. Back in the summer of 2010 I had stumbled upon a band called Radio Freq online and noticed they were having a show at the Silverlake lounge in June 2010. So I headed out there and fell in love with the live show. There I met Cliff Magreta since he was part of the band. I immediately had to buy their rad vinyl record they had for sale. Soon after I stayed connected with Cliff online. In November of the same year I happened to be able to go to a private party at Blake Miller home and ran into Cliff again. I decided to reach out to Cliff again and saw that he had started a project called Minutes til Midnight. I fell in love with the music and offered to help promote it online and promote future shows. I was a bit rusty since I had no idea what I was doing, but later got the hang of it and with some of Cliffs guidance and ideas I felt comfortable and fell in love with helping a local band. Cliff helped inspire my now nickname “Betty Elektro” and from there there was ideas of promoting the band with some sort of promotion name behind it. As I did things on my own something hit me in the summer of 2012 and I told myself I had to work on shows and what I didn’t know what to do, I would learn and keep going. So I did and I gave birth to Elektro-PR. It was all meant to be, it was my fate. I will never forget where everything started and that was all thanks to a cool local band and a guy that gave me a chance to learn something about myself and bring something out of me that was there all along and it changed my life. Honestly it saved my life after leaving a very unhealthy relationship with a verbally abusive man, I felt like I had nothing left. Music came into my life in an amazing way and it revived me and it reminded me that I had more to give and all the emotional scars I had, could be healed. It led me to amazing friends through starting this up and reconnecting with amazing people. Music does save lives and it saved mine.

radio freq

We Need Your Help To Run Our 2nd Annual Charity Music & Art Festival 2014!

We would GREATLY appreciate if you can help us out with any donation to help us reach our goal of $500 by 2/22/14! This will help us pay for the costs to run our 2nd annual charity music and art festival that is benefiting Free Arts For Abused Children this year!
This will help us pay for our designed flyer, sound tech costs for day of show, flyers, promotion and taking care of the bands/Artists that are donating their time. Thank you ❤


Donate Here:

ElektroPR makes it on the “Everyone Has A Story” Series from Australia

I was honored to get interviewed in late 2013 by the Skinwalkers from Australia. Never imagined I would be on Skype getting interviewed about my love of music and Philanthropy that has been a part of Elektro-PR. I am the very first 2014 video that was just posted yesterday for their “Everyone Has A Story” series. We chatted about how I started helping people when I was a kid up to now. If you have 30 min to spare check this out and learn about how the band has also helped those in need in their country too. Thanks Matt Turner and the rest of the guys, you rock! I think there is a 2015 trip to Australia in the horizon.

Special Guest coming to our 1 Year Celebration: Kristen Leanne! Model & Entrepreneur


Kristen Leanne-Photo by Olivia Bush

I have been a fan of this sexy and sweet lady for a few years now and SO excited to have her come out to our celebration next week! I had the pleasure of doing a fun Q&A with Kristen about her businesses, modeling,  love life, favorite local band and more..check it out below.

You might get to meet her when you come to our event since she is bringing  awesome giveaways from Sideshow By The Sea and IHeartKristenLeanne.

What inspired you to start your online shopping/retail site, Sideshow By The Sea?

I have always wanted to own and run my own boutique, and with internet shopping really becoming more prevalent, I decided to do an online boutique. It has really evolved and is always changing. Currently I am working on my very own cut and sew line..the first line is on it’s way to me right now!

Besides being a talented model and business owner you also do charity work – can you tell us what kind of charity work you do and how you became involved with helping others?  Is there a specific charity that is particularly near and dear to your heart?

I’ve always done charity, ever since I was little. My family and I would volunteer at our church for Thanksgiving and serve the homeless/less fortunate. For Christmas we would drive gifts to families who signed up to receive help. Helping others has been something that was been ingrained in me from the get go. It gives an awesome feeling that I can’t really explain or get from anything else. Hand to Hand is a great charity in Santa Monica that I enjoy volunteering at. I also volunteered at the LADWC, LA downtown women’s center and volunteered every tuesday in the kitchen. Really enjoyed working with those women.

How did you get started with modeling? 

I’ve been modeling with an agency since I was 5. I started doing it more seriously when I was 18.

What advice would you give other women who are interested in getting into the modeling business or that are considering running their own business?

Modeling is just something you have to start from the bottom up. If you’re interested in doing commercial and fashion, go straight to an agency and SHOW them why you are the next best thing. They just may believe you and you just might prove them right! For business entrepreneurs… understand that there are SO many obstacles. They can be overcome as long as you have patience and perseverance. You can’t give up, you have to roll with the punches and just expect it.

I have always loved your tattoos, do you have a favorite one?

My tattoos are like kids, I don’t have a favorite. 🙂 I love them all in different ways.

What has been one of your favorite photo shoots?

My favorite photo-shoot was with Christian Saint for Bizarre Magazine/Tattoo Life.  Music video wise, “oh love” for Green Day was my favorite shoot, it was a blast.

What are your guilty pleasures food wise?

Hot cheeto fries and baked potatoes loaded with cheese and butter!

Sometimes you model for your bf’s underwear company  Underwear Society- What’s the best thing and the most challenging thing when it comes to working with your boyfriend?  

The most challenging thing working so closely everyday with my boyfriend is that he and I are such passionate people that when we feel strongly about something, we really have to communicate all points very well, or it can quickly turn into an argument! But I absolutely love working with him. We are literally together 24 hours a day, every day, except when we’re using the restroom, that’s the only time we’re apart. We even take every shower together!! Some may say that it’s unhealthy, but to me, it’s necessary. I love it.

What is your favorite band from Los Angeles or San Diego?

Fartbarf would definitely have to be one of my favorite electro/drum & bass bands from Los Angeles. They have an interesting name, and are not well known, but damn are they effin good live!!! They play in Hermosa Beach all the time.

Follow Kristen on Facebook and Twitter 
Photo by: Olivia Bush